Online Programs


Advance your career by taking advantage of the world-class education Mines offers—online.

With online classes and programs that provide several degree opportunities and multiple certifications in emerging fields, your job growth potential will seem limitless with online education at Colorado School of Mines.

Begin your journey online here.


#1 Mining Engineering
Program, QS World
University Rankings

salary growth

#1 Best Value College
in Colorado,, 2020

graduation value

#10 top-earning 
STEM grads,
Forbes, 2020

Benefits of an Advanced Degree

  • Significantly increases your earning potential now and in the future
  • Employers consider you highly trained and therefore, a more desirable candidate
  • Specialized knowledge helps with career advancement
  • Increased reputation and credibility

Nana Asmah

“I came to Mines because of the supportive facilities and learning environment, and because graduates are in high demand by companies.”

Nana Asmah
Natural Resources and Energy Policy Master’s Student

Michael Knight

“I chose Mines because of all the exciting research in renewable materials and connection to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.”

Michael Knight
Materials Science, PhD Candidate

Madison Berry

“One of the things I most enjoy at Mines is the large focus on preparing you for the workforce.”

Madison Berry
Mechanical Engineering Student

General Resources

students studying at table


Tutoring, Writing Center, Library, bookstore, software access and more.

student and recruiter talking at career fair


Tech help, Disability Services, Career Services, Veteran Services, Blastercard, counseling and more.

young family meeting Blaster


Online student organizations, alumni connections, Dean of Students and more.