Gregory Bogin Jr.

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Gregory BoginDr. Bogin’s primary research interests are in coupling experiments and computational fluid dynamics to study the use of alternative fuels and advanced combustion strategies in internal combustion engines to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. Areas of interests also include utilization of alternative fuels (e.g. biogas and syngas) for power generation applications.

Dr. Bogin received his BS from Xavier University of Louisiana, his MS and PhD from University of California – Berkeley. While at UC-Berkeley, his research included the development and utilization of an inexpensive portable ion sensor system to analyze Low Temperature Combustion (LTC); specifically focusing on advanced combustion engines such as Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) as an alternative to traditional Compression Ignition (CI) and Spark Ignition (SI) engines to reduce fuel consumption and lower NOx emissions.

In 2008, Dr. Bogin joined Prof. Anthony M. Dean’s group in Chemical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines as a post-doctoral researcher under contract with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), working on experimental validation of kinetic ignition models for alkanes and methyl esters. In 2009, Dr. Bogin was promoted to Assistant Research Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department and continued his work on kinetic ignition models working with the Center for Transportation Technologies and Systems (CTTS) Advanced Petroleum-Based Fuels (APBF) team at NREL under contract with Mines.

In 2010, Dr. Bogin began a joint appointment with NREL and Mines. During his joint appointment with NREL’s Transportation and Hydrogen Systems Center, Dr. Bogin will continue to work on validation of chemical kinetic models for the ignition of diesel and biodiesel model compounds. This fuels research supports the development of advanced combustion engines with high fuel efficiency and reduced emissions by improving our understanding of the role ignition kinetics play in controlling the combustion process. This research also supports the characterization of the impact of using biofuels in such engines.


Brown Hall W410F

Research Areas

  • Experimental validation of kinetic ignition models for diesel and biodiesel model compounds
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Underground Mines
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling of FACE (Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines) fuels in internal combustion engines


  • J. Taglialegami, G.E. Bogin Jr., E. Osecky, A.M. Dean, “ Simulation of n-heptane and Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines (FACE) surrogates in a single-cylinder compression ignition engine” ASME-ICEF2013-19257 , 2013 (accepted).
  • R.C. Gilmore, J.A. Marts, J.F. Brune, D.M. Worrall Jr., G.E. Bogin Jr., J.W. Grubb “Control of explosive zones in longwall gobs through nitrogen injection, 23rd World Mining Congress, 2013.
  • G.E. Bogin Jr., E. Osecky, M.A. Ratcliff, J. Luecke, X. He, B.T. Zigler, A.M. Dean, “Ignition Quality Tester (IQT) Investigation of the Negative Temperature Coefficient Region of Alkane Autoignition”, Energy Fuels, 2013, 27 (3), pp 1632 – 1642
  • G.E. Bogin Jr., A. DeFilippo, J.-Y. Chen, G. Chin, J. Luecke, M.A. Ratcliff, B.T. Zigler,
  • A.M. Dean, “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of n-Heptane Autoignition in the Ignition Quality Tester (IQT)”, Energy Fuels, 2011, 25 (12), pp 5562-5572
  • G.E. Bogin Jr., M.A. Ratcliff, J. Luecke, A.M. Dean, B.T. Zigler, “Expanding the Experimental Capabilities of the Ignition Quality Tester (IQT™) for Autoigniting Fuels”, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 3(1):353-357, 2010
  • G.E. Bogin Jr., J.Hunter Mack, R.W. Dibble, “Fuel Effects on Ion Sensing in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine,” SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 2(1):817-826, 2009.
  • G. Bogin Jr., J. Hunter Mack, R.W. Dibble, “Spark plug modifications for improving ionsensing capabilities in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine,”ASME-ICES2009-76161, pp.351-358. 2009.
  • G.E. Bogin Jr., J-Y Chen, R.W. Dibble, “The effects of intake pressure, fuel concentration, and bias voltage on the detection of ions in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009), pp. 2877-2884.

Recent Courses

  • Introduction to Computational Techniquest for Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena
  • Combustion
  • Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines